Congregational Seder at Habonim on the Second Night of Passover
03/10/2017 01:57:20 PM
Congregational Seder at Habonim on the Second Night of Passover

Ve'ahavta's Third Night Seder at Holy Blossom Temple
Wed. April 12th, 2017
Presented in partnership with Congregation Habonim, the Danforth Jewish Circle, and Mazon Canada.
Let all who are hungry come and eat! Celebrate our collective liberation and freedom! Join the annual Third Night Seder for an evening of music, storytelling and feasting. All are welcome regardless of background, belief or economic status.
Doors open at 6:00 PM, no guests will be admitted before this time. The program begins at 7:00 PM.
Volunteers must register through the Eventbrite page.
Guests are asked to enter Holy Blossom Temple via Ava Road.
Happy Purim & Shabbat Shalom
Reminder- Potluck & Kabbalat Shabbat - Tomorrow @ 6:15pm
03/02/2017 12:26:02 PM
Join us for Pot Luck & Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, March 3rd, 2017 at 6:15 pm with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky accompanied by Josh Skye Engel Followed by Oneg Shabbat
If you have not signed up, please register here
Potluck & Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday March 3, 2017
02/27/2017 10:21:06 AM
Join us for Pot Luck & Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, March 3rd, 2017 at 6:15 pm with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky accompanied by Josh Skye Engel Followed by Oneg Shabbat
Please register online here
Passing of David Kettner
02/19/2017 06:04:00 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
David Kettner
Father and father-in-law of Habonim members
Miles Kettner and Melissa Muskat
Funeral - Wednesday, February 22, 2017
at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel
Please see more information here:
We wish Miles, Melissa and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Irene Feldman
02/05/2017 10:43:08 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Irene Feldman
Mother and mother in law of Eve Feldman-Lloyd & David Lloyd and mother of Richard Feldman.
Funeral - Monday, February 6, 2017 at 2:30 pm
at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel
Please see more information here:
We wish Eve, David, Richard, and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Eva Sokolowski
02/04/2017 08:31:09 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Eva Sokolowski
Funeral - Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 3:00pm
at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel
Please see more information here: (PICK ONE BELOW)
We wish her daughter Marcia Sokolowski and her son and daughter-in-law Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum and the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Reminder - Kabbalat Shabbat tonight @ 8:15 pm
01/27/2017 09:25:17 AM
Join us tonight at 8:15 pm for Kabbalat Shabbat with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky Followed by Oneg Shabbat Featuring: Germany’s last Nazi hunter Judge Thomas Walther & Holocaust survivor Max Eisen |
Passing of Beryl Gibson
01/24/2017 04:45:17 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Beryl Gibson
mother and mother in law of Habonim members
Sander Gibson and Andrea Litvak
Funeral - Thursday January 26, at 1:00 pm
at Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Habonim Section
Please see more information here:
We wish Sander, Andrea and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday January 27th
01/20/2017 01:18:16 PM
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, January 27th at 8:15 pm with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky Followed by Oneg Shabbat Featuring: Germany’s last Nazi hunter Judge Thomas Walther & Holocaust survivor Max Eisen |
Passing of Walter Steuerman
01/19/2017 03:31:17 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Walter Steuerman
Husband of Habonim member
Freda Steuerman
Funeral - Friday January 20, at 1:30 pm
at Steeles Memorial Chapel.
Please see more information here:
We wish Freda and her family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Bernice Linder
01/15/2017 06:23:16 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Bernice Linder
Mother and Mother-in-law of Habonim members
Richard and Rita Linder
Funeral Monday January 16, at 2:30 pm
at Benjamins Park Memorial.
Please see more information here:
We wish Richard, Rita and their family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Habonim Bulletin Now Available
01/12/2017 10:14:08 AM
A Habonim success story!
01/11/2017 12:26:47 PM
I am delighted to report to the congregation that thanks to a late December push, our Building Campaign entered 2017 having crossed the $8 million dollar mark... $8,000,113 to be exact. J
This is a remarkable accomplishment in a relatively short period of time, and one in which we can take great pride.
We have heard from 75% of our members... and to all who have made their contribution, THANK YOU so much.
We now enter the final phase of the campaign. With anticipated costs of $9.5M, every dollar raised from this point on is increasingly important as it reduces any mortgage we might need to take on to complete our new building.
If you have not yet made your contribution, I encourage you to please do so as soon as possible. Our goal remains 100% participation from our membership, but our success in that effort depends on you.
To make your gift, the easiest way is to simply reply to this email letting us know how much your total pledge is, and over how many years (up to 5) you will be paying.
We finished 2016 as well as we could have imagined. Here's looking forward to an equally successful 2017.
With appreciation,
Ted on behalf of the Board of Congregation Habonim
Passing of Rose Wolfe
01/01/2017 09:32:01 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Rose Wolfe
Mother and Mother-in-law of Habonim members
Jonathan and Amal Wolfe.
Funeral Monday January 2nd at 11:00 am
at Benjamins Park Memorial.
Please see more information here:
We wish Jonathan, Amal and their family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Candles of Kindness
12/23/2016 12:02:02 PM
Dear Habonim Member,
In advance of Chanukah, I would like to share with you a beautiful story of light that is connected to the March of the Living and to members of our synagogue - the Gottdenker and Zuk families.
Please click the image below or this link to view the 6 minute video.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom & joyous Chanukah.
Eli Rubenstein
Religious Leader
Congregation Habonim
Habonim Building Update
12/20/2016 12:13:48 PM
Habonim Building Update – December 2016
After the very busy High Holiday season, we have continued to work hard on putting all of the pieces together for our new building. In this note I wanted to bring you up to speed on all things related to the Building.
Over the past couple of months we have had many Habonim families make a donation to the new building, and I am pleased to say that nearly 70% of Habonim members have now responded to the campaign, and we remain committed to reaching 100% by the end of the campaign.
Just prior to High Holidays we had raised $6.6 million and today we are just under $8 million. At this stage we would love to have a few more families make a donation prior to year end to put us well over the very important $8 million mark. Our goal remains $9.5 million, and we are confident that we can reach this number before the building is complete.
One item that has come up in several questions relates to naming opportunities in the Building. For those that are interested, we have a link here that outlines all naming opportunities available – starting at $18,000. For naming opportunities please click here
Paying Donations Prior to Year End
We have recently sent out individual ‘invoice’ reminders of donation amounts that will ideally be paid prior to year end.
To make your payment, please go to the Habonim website at and log into your account using your email. If you are unable to access, please email the office ( and we will send you a login link.
From there you will be able to submit a payment to your personal account using your Visa or Mastercard.
If you prefer, you can mail a cheque to the Habonim office payable to “Congregation Habonim of Toronto”, and mail the cheque to “Congregation Habonim, 5 Glen Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 4J2.
If you would like to donate using stocks, please contact Robin Zionce-Garber at 416-782-7125 or
Construction and Timing
While we have made important progress on parking issues and with our neighbours, there remain some steps required before we receive our Building Permit from the City. We are working hard to make quicker progress, but delays with the City have put our timeline back a little.
Our current target is to begin construction by August 2017 with the new Building completed in the Spring of 2019. It is still possible that these times could move, but this is our current target.
To see the current plans for the project, you can find them on our website. There is a link from the homepage.
If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to make a donations, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Happy Hanukah and a Happy (Other) New Year,
Ted Rechtshaffen
Passing of Evy Carnat
12/01/2016 11:07:12 AM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
'Evy' Evelyn (Dubinsky) Carnat
Cousin of Habonim member Heidi Schwartz.
Evy Carnat of Englishtown, Cape Breton, passed away on Monday, November 28, 2016.
Please see more information here:
We wish the Carnat and Dubinsky families comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Potluck & Kabbalat Shabbat - December 9th, 2016
11/30/2016 05:47:35 PM
Join us for Pot Luck & Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, December 9th 2016 at 6:15 pm with Aviva Rajsky accompanied by Tom Bellman with a tribute to Leonard Cohen with a special performance by the Habonim choir Guest Sermon, Rabbi Bill Tepper Followed by Oneg Shabbat Please register online here
Passing of Deena Freeman
11/30/2016 03:11:15 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Deena Freeman
sister and sister-in-law of Habonim members Sam Freeman and Deborah Bernstein.
Deena passed away yesterday in Jerusalem. A service will be held tomorrow at Habonim at 2 pm. Guests are invited to 117 Coldstream Avenue after service.
We wish Sam and Deborah and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Jean London
11/25/2016 03:34:25 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Jean London
mother and mother-in-law of Habonim members Susan and Gerry Gorewich, Denise and Irving Max Isenberg.
Funeral Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 12:45 p.m. Benjamins Park Memorial Chapel.
Interment Jewish War Veterans Section, Mt. Sinai Memorial Park.
Shiva 483 Spadina Road, Toronto.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Tamara Ashley Levine
11/23/2016 11:24:27 AM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Daughter of Habonim member Carol Cowan (Allan Kaplan) and Michael Levine.
A funeral service will be held at Mount Pleasant Visitation Centre, 375 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, on Friday, November 25, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.
We wish Carol and her entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Stanley Flomen
11/09/2016 10:28:34 AM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Stanley Flomen
father and father in law of Habonim members Marcie Flomen and Brian Green
Funeral will take place at Steeles Memorial Chapel
We wish Marcie and Brian and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Passing of Allan Schaffran
11/07/2016 10:50:43 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Allan Schaffran
husband of Jill Schaffran
Funeral will take place at Steeles Memorial Chapel
We wish Jill and her entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Reminder - Kabbalat Shabbat - Tomorrow at 8:15 pm with Guest Speaker- Leonard Wise
11/03/2016 06:00:26 PM
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat tomorrow evening Friday, November 4th at 8:15 pm with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky accompanied by Josh Skye Engel Followed by Oneg Shabbat
*Guest Speaker - Leonard Wise Biographer of Charles Pachter click here for more information
Holocaust Education Week - 3 upcoming programs with Habonim
11/01/2016 01:34:36 PM
Holocaust Education Week
Eli Rubenstein, Aviva Rajsky, Tom Bellman & members of the Habonim Choir will be leading the following program:
Passing of Maurice Kaufman
10/31/2016 03:37:26 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Maurice Kaufman
father and father-in-law of Habonim members Jeffrey Kaufman and Laurie Goldhar
Please see information at:
We wish Jeffrey and Laurie and their family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday November 4
10/31/2016 01:21:33 PM
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, November 4th at 8:15 pm with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky accompanied by Josh Skye Engel Followed by Oneg Shabbat |
Help Wanted
10/27/2016 04:43:29 PM
The Habonim office is looking for a part time person to assist with administration work. Hours flexible. This is a paid position working with our General Manager Robin Zionce-Garber.
If you are interested, please submit your resume to: