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Congregational Seder at Habonim on the Second Night of Passover

03/10/2017 01:57:20 PM



Congregational Seder at Habonim on the Second Night of Passover

Tuesday, April 11, 2017, 7pm
As we did last year,  on the Second night of Passover, we will host a Congregational and Community Seder for our members, and members of Toronto’s Jewish community, who need a place for the Second Night of Passover.
The Seder will be led by:
Habonim's Eli Rubenstein & Ve'ahavta's Avrum Rosensweig
Music will be provided by our talented staff and congregants.
We will will take care of preparing and serving the food - but a little volunteer help beforehand and to help serve the food would be welcome.
Please register on our website: 
and/or to volunteer, please contact
Robin tel. 416-782-7125, email:
There are no fees for the Seder, but voluntary donations are of course welcome. ($36 per person suggested)


Ve'ahavta's Third Night Seder at Holy Blossom Temple

Wed. April 12th, 2017

Presented in partnership with Congregation Habonim, the Danforth Jewish Circle, and Mazon Canada.

Let all who are hungry come and eat! Celebrate our collective liberation and freedom! Join the annual Third Night Seder for an evening of music, storytelling and feasting. All are welcome regardless of background, belief or economic status.

Doors open at 6:00 PM, no guests will be admitted before this time. The program begins at 7:00 PM.

Volunteers must register through the Eventbrite page.

Guests are asked to enter Holy Blossom Temple via Ava Road.


Happy Purim & Shabbat Shalom

Sun, March 16 2025 16 Adar 5785