Habonim Bulletin- How would you like to receive your copy?
06/15/2017 10:27:21 AM
Habonim Bulletin
As a means of saving on printing and postage costs as well as the environmental impact, we are now offering the choice of either an emailed copy of the quarterly bulletin or both an emailed and a mailed printed copy. Please provide your preferred option by clicking the link below:
Thank you,
Congregation Habonim
Reminder - AGM - Tomorrow evening @ 7:30 pm
06/12/2017 10:28:47 AM
The Annual General Meeting will take place on
Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm
The new building will be discussed in great detail.
Speakers will include Eli Rubenstein, Ted Rechtshaffen, incoming President Joanie Smith, and Treasurer Rick Glatt.
This is a chance for you to get the latest updates on our plans for the new building. As of June, 2017, we have reached 96% of our fundraising goal (9.1 of 9.5 million), which is wonderful news!
Proposed directors for election:
As nominated by the Governance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors, the following board candidates will be proposed for election by members at the AGM: Daniel Libman, Cheryl Grammer, Charissa Levy, Melissa Muskat, and Alexis Slatt.
The following directors will be proposed for re-election for a two-year term: Rick Glatt, Joel Kwinter, Susan Liebel, and Joanie Smith. If elected, they will be joining Lauren Black, Dianne Erdos-Rush, Sonny Goldstein, Stephen Halperin, and Brett Saitowitz who are midway through their terms as directors.
If you cannot make the annual meeting, you can vote by proxy. A proxy form and instructions are available here.
AGM- Tuesday, June 13th @ 7:30 pm
06/05/2017 09:34:07 AM
The Annual General Meeting will take place on
Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm
The new building will be discussed in great detail.
Speakers will include Eli Rubenstein, Ted Rechtshaffen, incoming President Joanie Smith, and Treasurer Rick Glatt.
This is a chance for you to get the latest updates on our plans for the new building. As of June, 2017, we have reached 96% of our fundraising goal (9.1 of 9.5 million), which is wonderful news!
Proposed directors for election:
As nominated by the Governance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors, the following board candidates will be proposed for election by members at the AGM: Daniel Libman, Cheryl Grammer, Charissa Levy, Melissa Muskat, and Alexis Slatt.
The following directors will be proposed for re-election for a two-year term: Rick Glatt, Joel Kwinter, Susan Liebel, and Joanie Smith. If elected, they will be joining Lauren Black, Dianne Erdos-Rush, Sonny Goldstein, Stephen Halperin, and Brett Saitowitz who are midway through their terms as directors.
If you cannot make the annual meeting, you can vote by proxy. A proxy form and instructions are available here.
Habonim Choir
06/02/2017 10:07:14 AM
Habonim Choir is accepting new members
If you are interested in joining the Habonim Choir please contact Aviva Rajsky directly:
Rehearsals will be scheduled within the next couple of weeks.
Shabbat Shalom
Reminder Shavuot/Yizkor service - Thursday June 1st
05/30/2017 07:52:22 PM
Please join us Thursday June 1st
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
for our
Shavuot & Yizkor Service
Led by Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky
accompanied by Tom Bellman
Sermon Topic: The Ten Commandments
Traditional dairy treats will be served after the service
Chag Sameach
Habonim event in the National Post -"Israel-Palestinian debate comes to Toronto"
05/25/2017 11:13:06 AM
Upcoming Habonim debate highlighted in wonderful article in the National Post today, read below:
Order your tickets here:
Left vs. Right: The Battle for Israel's Soul
05/18/2017 10:09:13 AM
Tickets are selling fast
Special discount for Habonim Members
$15 in advance / $20 at Door
Passing of Barbara Nash Fenton
05/17/2017 01:49:20 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Habonim member
Barbara Nash Fenton
wife of
Barry Fenton
Please see more information here:
We wish Barry and his entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Elie Wiesel’s Only Son Steps Up to His Father’s Legacy
05/14/2017 12:49:54 PM
Earlier this year, Eli Rubenstein invited Elisha Wiesel, the son of Elie Wiesel, to join him on the March of the Living. This weekend, the New York Times featured a moving story on the Elisha Wiesel’s experience along with Eli’s observations. Please see link below.
Elie Wiesel’s Only Son Steps Up to His Father’s Legacy
05/14/2017 12:43:05 PM
Earlier this year, Eli Rubenstein invited Elisha Wiesel, the son of Elie Wiesel, to join him on the March of the Living. This weekend, the New York Times featured a moving story on the Elisha Wiesel’s experience along with Eli’s observations. Please see link below.
Reminder: Kabbalat Shabbat Tonight @ 8:15 pm
05/12/2017 12:41:18 PM
Join Eli Rubenstein and Aviva Rajsky with Josh Skye Engel accompanying Tonight at 8:15 pm For Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Oneg Shabbat |
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday May 12 @ 8:15 pm
05/10/2017 02:10:12 PM
Join Eli Rubenstein and Aviva Rajsky with Josh Skye Engel accompanying Friday May 12th at 8:15 pm For Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Oneg Shabbat |
Habonim members at TIFF
05/03/2017 09:43:56 AM
Film makers and Habonim members Fern Levitt (director) and Arnie Zipursky (producer) will be premiering their critically acclaimed film:
“Sled Dogs: The Cold Truth About Man’s Best Friend”
Sled Dogs will be at the Bell Light Box Theatre on May 9,10,11.
There will be a Q & A Fern Levitt, after the 7 pm screening.
Sunday May 28 at 9 pm ET/10 pm PT on documentary Channel
An idyllic portrait has been promoted by both the tourism industry and the dog sledding world for decades in an attempt to maximize profits while concealing a gruesome reality.
Our website for more information - http://sleddogsfilm.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SledDogsFilm/
Passing of Hart Levine
05/02/2017 10:43:12 AM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Hart Levine
father and father-in-law of Habonim members
Mark Levine & Yvette Erdos-Levine
There will be a private Funeral and Shiva.
We wish Mark, Yvette and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Community Outreach
05/01/2017 10:54:24 AM
We are reaching out to the community to ask for support for Robert, a 55-year-old man living in Toronto who is suffering from end stage kidney disease. He has been married for 27 years and is the father of three children under the age of 25, one of whom is still in high school. He has relied on a restricted diet and medication for the past 20 years to help preserve his kidney function. Unfortunately, he has had significant deterioration in his kidney function, and his doctors feel that he will be in complete kidney failure by the end of the year. When his kidneys fail, the options are to: 1. be treated on a palliative basis until death; 2. start dialysis for a period of 60 hours per week for life; 3. receive a kidney transplant. In Ontario, the average wait time to receive a cadaver transplant (eg. Donor kidney from a fatal accident) is 7 years from the date dialysis starts. The average survival time on dialysis, which requires approximately 60 hours of treatment per week, tethered to a machine, is 3 to 5 years. Most people who start dialysis die on dialysis. A kidney transplant is by far the best option. It will significantly reduce the considerable medical complications associated with chronic kidney failure and dialysis. In addition, it will restore his health and provide him with a significantly improved quality of life.
Robert has met with the transplant team at UHN. They have advised him that he will require a living donor to provide a kidney within the next 6 to 8 months. A transplant from a living donor is expected to extend his life by twenty years. On dialysis, his life expectancy will be considerably reduced, and will be associated with progressively declining health. He is blood type O+, a universal donor, but can only receive from an O donor or A donor (type -- non A1). He is considered an excellent candidate for a live donation – has no other underlying medical issues, and despite his failing kidneys, is otherwise in excellent health. He has been counselled by his doctors that it would be ideal if he received a transplant before 2018, and the screening process for donors takes about 4 months.
Robert connected with a Jewish organization in January which has a program called “Renewal". Renewal has advertised in a local community paper with a circulation of ten thousand, 4 times over 2 months. However, thus far, there have been no eligible candidates. We are reaching out to friends and family to ask them for support. On May 4, 2017 an information evening will be hosted by Shaar Shomayim Synagogue; if you are able please try to attend to learn more about kidney donation from a previous donor (please see flyer here).
For anyone who is interested in learning more about kidney donation, please contact Julie Cissell, the Living Donor Kidney Transplant Assessment Coordinator for the University Health Network. Julie is responsible for coordinating matches between living donors and recipients for kidney transplant. Julie has advised Robert to reach out to family, friends and religious communities; I am hoping that you can reach out to your network by passing along Julie’s coordinates and the literature attached to this email. Thank you in advance for your support and assistance – the window of opportunity is narrowing and we are hopeful that you might join us in the journey to find a donor that might save and extend Robert's life.
Julie’s coordinates are:
Julie Cissell RN BScN - University Health Network 585 University Avenue PMB-12-100 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2N2 Email: julie.cissell@uhn.ca Phone: 416-340-4577 Fax: 416-340-3009
How to Become a Living Donor STEP 1: Complete the Donor Health History Form STEP 2: Submit the completed form in person, by email, mail or fax. You can reach Julie Cissell at 416 340 4577, Julie.Cissell@uhn.ca or fax 416 340 3009. All mailing information is on the form. STEP 3: Our Living Kidney Donor Assessment Office will call you in one week after we have reviewed your health history form. |
Being Jewish Means Never Giving Up Hope
04/21/2017 09:43:25 AM
In advance of Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron, please see the article by Eli Rubenstein in this week’s Canadian Jewish News.
Shabbat Shalom,
Congregation Habonim
Habonim Baseball team
04/19/2017 11:36:43 AM
*Inter Synagogue Baseball League
Team Meeting/Registration/Celebration
Thursday April 27, 2017 at Habonim, 5 Glen Park Ave.
Team Meeting/Registration: 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Celebration (with all ISBL players as guests): 7:30 to 9:00 pm
Note to all members of Congregation Habonim:
- Games are Sunday mornings & start at 9:30 am.
- The season goes from early May to Sept/Oct
- No games on long-weekends, Jewish holidays or community days (e.g. the “March for Israel” Sunday)
- Playing fields are in parks in Toronto/North York, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and Concord
- Schedules will be issued soon - times and fields can vary at the last moment, so check with players
- There are bleachers at the parks and “fans” (spouses, kids and friends etc.) are encouraged to come out to support your synagogue team, enjoy fresh air and have fun!! The games are always very entertaining.
Email or call Jeff Levy if you have any questions:
Email: jefflevy8@gmail.com or Call: 416-802-1105
(There may be a few spots left on the team if you want to play!)
Yizkor service Tuesday April 18 at 10:00 am
04/16/2017 12:58:11 PM
Passover Yizkor Service
Tuesday April 18th, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky
accompanied by Tom Bellman
Join us in celebrating the Aufruf of
Oliver Berg & Emma Freed
Passing of Isaac Zimerman
04/13/2017 08:39:02 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Isaac Zimerman
father and father-in-law of Habonim members
Larry & Anona Zimerman
Funeral -Friday April 14th, 2017 at 3:30 pm
at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel
Please see more information here:
We wish Larry, Anona and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.
Reminder - Kabbalat Shabbat tonight @ 8:15 pm
03/31/2017 09:48:09 AM
Join Eli Rubenstein and Kim Doron Tonight at 8:15 pm for Kabbalat Shabbat with Tom Bellman accompanying |
Inter Synagogue Baseball League
03/30/2017 09:43:08 AM
It looks like Habonim will field a team in the
Inter Synagogue Baseball League (ISBL) this season
(see a list of players who have “signed” below)
Cost will be around $100.00 per player to cover ISBL registration, uniforms, equipment, etc.
- The ISBL was formed in 1986 as a Brotherhood league consisting of teams representing synagogues in the GTA
- The league was founded on the principles of fun, fair play and sportsmanship
- Players of all abilities between the ages of 21* and 121 are welcome
(*sons of active players may be 18 years of age)
- Games are played Sunday mornings at various GTA locations using modified 3-pitch rules.
- No games are played on Jewish holidays or long weekends
If you are interested, contact Jeff Levy by April 3, 2017:
Email: jefflevy8@gmail.com or Call: 416-802-1105
Billy Tishler | Jim Benzacar | Michael Soberman |
Ted Rechtshaffen | Larry Keshen | Sam Keshen |
Isaac Muskat | Ilan Muskat | Michael Sherman |
Arthur Drevnig | Phil Drash | Ben G. |
Robert Cooper |
- After the April 3 sign-up deadline we will send you more details (season opener dates etc.)
- We will announce a date for a team organizational meeting/registration night at Habonim
- The ISBL Commissioner, Jamie Sherman will be at this meeting to answer all questions
- Following the Habonim team-meeting all players in ISBL will be invited to join us in a celebration of the launch of our new team
- Kosher “red-hots” (hotdogs), popcorn, and pop will be served while players mingle.
Upcoming Events at Habonim
03/28/2017 09:31:20 AM
Join Eli Rubenstein and Kim Doron Friday, March 31st at 8:15 pm for Kabbalat Shabbat with Tom Bellman accompanying
Congregational 2nd Seder at HabonimTuesday April 11 @ 7 pmConducted by Eli Rubenstein & Avrum Rosensweig 50 people have already registered.A few spots are still available.Reserve your seat here: https://www.congregationhabonim.org/event/congregational-seder1.html |
CJN tribute to Eli Rubenstein
03/27/2017 10:19:10 AM
Eli Rubenstein was featured in The Canadian Jewish News.
Mazal Tov Eli!
Read the article here:
http://www.cjnews.com/ perspectives/eli-rubenstein- warrior-jewish-leader
Inter Synagogue Baseball League
03/24/2017 09:59:22 AM
Habonim will field a team in the Inter Synagogue Baseball League (ISBL) this season if enough men commit to play.
Cost will be around $100.00 per player to cover ISBL registration, uniforms, equipment, etc.
- The ISBL was formed in 1986 as a Brotherhood league consisting of teams representing synagogues in the GTA
- The league was founded on the principles of fun, fair play and sportsmanship
- Players of all abilities between the ages of 21* and 121 are welcome (*sons of active players may be 18 years of age)
- Games are played Sunday mornings at various GTA locations using modified 3-pitch rules.
- No games are played on Jewish holidays or long weekends
If you are interested, contact Jeff Levy by April 3, 2017:
Email: jefflevy8@gmail.com or Call: 416-802-1105
Passing of Clara Szende
03/20/2017 08:04:15 PM
It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of
Clara Szende
mother and mother-in-law of Habonim members
Andrew Szende & Susan Helwig
Funeral - Wednesday March 22, 2017 at 12:00 pm
at Congregation Habonim
Please see more information here:
We wish Andrew, Susan, and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.