Habonim members at TIFF
05/03/2017 09:43:56 AM
Film makers and Habonim members Fern Levitt (director) and Arnie Zipursky (producer) will be premiering their critically acclaimed film:
“Sled Dogs: The Cold Truth About Man’s Best Friend”
Sled Dogs will be at the Bell Light Box Theatre on May 9,10,11.
There will be a Q & A Fern Levitt, after the 7 pm screening.
Sunday May 28 at 9 pm ET/10 pm PT on documentary Channel
An idyllic portrait has been promoted by both the tourism industry and the dog sledding world for decades in an attempt to maximize profits while concealing a gruesome reality.
Our website for more information - http://sleddogsfilm.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SledDogsFilm/