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Passing of Marjorie Rosenfield

10/26/2016 09:29:30 AM




It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of  

Marjorie Rosenfield  

sister of Habonim member Maxine Cadsby


Please see information at:


We wish Maxine and her family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. 

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Shmini Atzeret Yizkor service & Simchat Torah Celebration, Monday Oct. 24

10/21/2016 01:21:34 PM



Please Join us:

Sukkot/ Shmini Atzeret /Yizkor Service - Monday Oct. 24, 10:00 AM

Simchat Torah - Monday Oct. 24, 7:00 PM



Passing of Roszi Wittman

10/06/2016 10:07:42 AM




It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of  

Roszi Wittman  

mother and mother in law of  Habonim members

Susan and Lenny Melvin

The funeral will take place today at 11:30 am

Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel

Shiva: 4 Reddick Court. Toronto, Ontario M6B 2S2

Shiva visits daily from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Evening services will be held at 7:00 p.m. Shiva will conclude Tuesday afternoon, October 11th.



Please see information at:


We wish Susan & Lenny, and their entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. 

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the Melvin family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


A moment to treasure

09/29/2016 05:16:51 PM


As Rosh Hashanah draws near, I find myself having mixed emotions in the realization that the last High Holiday services in our current building are about to take place.

I am beginning to think of the fond memories of years gone by in our less than perfect, but still quaint and modest surroundings.  A building bought, furnished and sustained by Holocaust survivors, many without any remaining family, who were anxious to have a place to come together and create a welcoming community.
They would be proud of what Congregation Habonim has become.  We have welcomed people from all walks of life, bound together by the belief of making the world a better place through openness and equality.  Music has lifted the spirits of all who enter our humble building, and humour has found its way into our services and allowed us to laugh together even at the most serious of times.
Though many members do not know each other, we are indeed a community committed to pluralism and kindness to all humankind.  
So this year, as we join together one last time in our building that was… we can look forward with excitement and pride to the new shul we will build together..
 “As the generation before us built for us, so too shall we build for the generation to come.”
Our fundraising total continues to grow. We are now 70% of the way to our goal.  Every day we receive more gifts and I am so proud of the collective effort I am witnessing.
I very much look forward to seeing you all in the coming days.  Let's sing like we have never sung before. Let's raise our voices so that all those who gave everything to build our synagogue can hear the impact of their legacy.  Let’s make them proud of what they are helping build… and learn from their example as we create our new home for ourselves and for generations to come.
Shana Tova,

Help Needed

09/27/2016 12:51:38 PM


Habonim’s New Building – 4 Things You Need to Know

09/26/2016 04:54:55 PM


By the time you read this your High Holiday tickets will be on their way to your home and will be received by the end of the week.

If you have looked, you will notice that the tickets serve two purposes.  The first is they act as your entrance to either the Adult or Children’s services.  The second is they are a simple means for confirming your donation amount for the new building.


Over the past few months I have had several questions and comments about fundraising and thought I would take this opportunity to address them in a note to all members.  If you have not already made your gift, please consider the thoughts below.


Shana Tova,


Ted Rechtshaffen,

President Congregation Habonim



1)       Why your gift is incredibly important


The Building has a total budget of $9.5 million.  Today we have donation commitments of $6.6 million so we are a little over 70% of the way there. 

Not all, but most of the bigger gifts are now accounted for so we need to raise another $2.9 million from gifts of all sizes.  As the campaign is beginning to focus on our broad membership, there are still about 350 families or 80% of the Congregation – to talk to about a gift.

So this $2.9 million will come from a large number of very important gifts at all levels.  Each one is a very important building block financially but also a building block for the future of Habonim.  We want everyone to feel ownership and a part of our exciting future.


2)      Yes, your gift will be tax deductible?

100% of your gift will be considered tax deductible.  What this means is that every charitable gift in Ontario of a dollar (after $200 in total annual donations) will receive 46.4 cents back as a tax credit.  This tax credit will be received regardless of whether your income is $20,000, $60,000, or $150,000, as it is a tax credit.

For those whose taxable income is over $220,000, this tax credit will now be 53.5 cents on the dollar so you will get back more than half of your donation in your taxes.

Based on that, a $10,000 gift will cost you roughly $1,000 a year.  To explain further, a $10,000 gift can be payable over 5 years or $2,000 a year.  If you receive roughly 50% back as a tax credit, you will be paying $1,000 out of pocket for 5 years.

This applies at any gift level, so an $1,800 donation is like $180 a year out of pocket for five years.  A $25,000 donation is like $2,500 a year out of pocket for five years.


3)      Can I give a donation using stocks with capital gains?

Yes.  Through the kindness of the Jewish Foundation of Toronto, they have arranged to accept stock donations on behalf of Congregation Habonim at no cost to us.  If you are interested, I can send you the appropriate form.

This can be important, as it could make your cost of donation even lower – maybe as low as 25 or 30 cents on the dollar.

In number 2 above, we discussed the tax credits on cash donations.  Normally if you have a stock in a taxable investment account, and its value goes up, you will have to pay a capital gain when you sell the stock.  Capital gains taxes can range from 10% to over 26% depending on your income.  However, if you donate the stock, you do not have to pay any capital gains tax.  Below is an example of someone in the top tax bracket ($220,000 or more in taxable income):


Cash Donation

Donation                                                                           $25,000

Tax Credit                                                                                $13,375

Out of Pocket Cost                                                         $11,625


Stock Donation

Value of stock donated                                                  $25,000

Cost base on stock                                                                    $5,000

Capital Gains ($25,000 - $5,000)                                        $20,000

Capital Gains tax owed if not donated

(26.76% * $20,000)                                                                 $5,352

Tax avoided by donating the stock                                        $5,352

Tax Credit                                                                                   $13,375

Out of Pocket Cost         (with tax savings)               $8,023

Each $1 of donation to Habonim would cost just 32 cents ($8,023/$25,000).


4)      What does Habonim really need?

The chart below outlines what has been received to date (as of September 11th) at various levels, and what we need at various levels.  As you can see, as an example, we still need 4 gifts of $50,000 (or $5,000 after tax per year for 5 years).  We still need 20 gifts of $18,000 and 30 gifts of $10,000.  This will not be easy, but I know it is definitely achievable.


Our Collective Challenge


Congregation Habonim is proud of its diverse membership. Our hope is that every family will give to the best of their ability.

Here’s what we still need to reach our goal of $9,500,000…



To Date

To Date


Still Needed

Still Needed


Leadership Gifts

















$          250,000














$          360,000














$          300,000


Major Gifts










$          200,000







$          360,000







$          375,000







$          360,000
















Congregational Support










$          300,000







$          175,000





$          162,000





$          108,000


LT $1,800





$            50,000











$       3,000,000




Habonim Bulletin Now Available

09/22/2016 04:05:38 PM




Website Version of the

September 2016 Habonim Bulletin

is now available!

To view click here

A hard copy along with your high holiday tickets were mailed out today to all members.


Your Help Is Needed

09/12/2016 05:50:29 PM


From: Joanie Smith, Director, Congregation Habonim Board



High Holidays are just around the corner and we are now making arrangements for members to help with the services. The type of help we require includes English readings, lifting the Torah, opening the Ark, and in some cases reading Hebrew for an Aliyah. To help services run smoothly, please offer your help in one of these areas. Remember, it is a mitzvah to have an honour at services.
Please send an email with the following information:

1. The names of all family member willing to participate, include one contact phone number for the family

2. What you are willing to help with: Reading an English Prayer, Lifting the Torah, Opening the Ark, doing an Aliyah or ANY OF THE ABOVE

3. Which services you will be attending: Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashana Day 1, Rosh Hashana Day 2, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur

4. Whether you attend the early or the late service

It is essential that you are precise and thorough with the above information as it makes the job a lot easier.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Joanie Smith



A Campaign Update

08/30/2016 10:26:29 AM



Our Future is Now…

This past year saw the launch of the campaign that will enable us to build a beautiful, understated new synagogue.

Tremendous energy and thought went into selecting the right design and architect to continue and build on the special character of Habonim - joy, warmth, inclusiveness and learning from Jewish history.  It quickly became clear there was no better choice than one of our own members, Guela Solow Ruda, to best understand and incorporate that spirit into the design. 

Guela’s preliminary drawings created immediate momentum for the campaign.  Features that include a beautiful enclosed courtyard behind the bimah, modern facilities for our school, a unique memorial to Holocaust survivors, and a special tribute to the roots of Habonim, all led to the understanding that we are about to create something very special.

A campaign goal of $9.5 million was set based on anticipated costs and contingencies and with the hope that the vast majority of members would grasp the moment and seize the opportunity to be part of creating a new home for our current members and generations to come. 

And so the canvassing began…  Judy & Larry Tanenbaum, Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin & Ira Gluskin, Naomi Azrieli & Francois Blanc, and Denyse and Don Green all stepped forward with remarkable leadership gifts to help create momentum for success.  Our congregation is truly blessed to have attracted community leaders who appreciate Habonim’s values and vision.

A series of parlour meetings were hosted by lead donors where small groups of members were invited to hear first-hand of plans for our future.  Once again, the reaction was superb and resulted in 60 pledges that now total $6.5 million, a remarkable accomplishment in a very short period of time.

All this is to bring you up to speed on the campaign, to thank those who have already stepped forward with a gift, and to ask for the support of those who have not yet made a commitment as we raise the remaining $3 million needed to make this campaign an overwhelming success. 

Participation is key - not only to our fundraising but to our collective sense of ownership.  If every one of our families gives appropriate to their means, we will have a new Shul with little or no debt – that is our goal.

Our campaign team includes Eli, Aviva, me, Stephen Cole, Neil Harris, David Gotfrid and Debra Kwinter. Eli and Aviva have brought a very genuine enthusiasm and joy to the effort.  We all feel the opportunity is very special and there is real delight and appreciation with each gift. 

Because our canvassers are few in number, you can be tremendously helpful by initiating the discussion and reaching out to me or to any member of our campaign team with whom you feel comfortable speaking. We would like to share with you the design and answer any questions you and your family might have.  Any of the following would be more than happy to have the conversation with you:


Eli Rubenstein                      416-605-0850

Aviva Rajsky                         416-258-7699

Ted Rechtshaffen                 416-807-6222

Neil Harris                             416-597-4117

Stephen Cole                       416-364-9701

David Gotfrid                        416-822-0711

Debra Kwinter                       416-471-4666


It is important to receive pledges from as many members as possible by the end of the High Holidays, so that building plans can be finalized based on commitments made.  We want to commence demolition and site work as soon as possible after High Holidays 2016. 

We are very close to embarking on a new chapter in the history of Habonim.  Please respond generously, remembering that pledges can be paid over a 5-year period and are fully tax deductible. 

We look forward to your generous support.


With appreciation,


Ted Rechtshaffen

President, Habonim 

Passing of Valerie Good

08/23/2016 12:24:28 PM



Congregation Habonim
Passing of Valerie Good
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Congregation Habonim sends its condolences to Habonim members Gloria and Ken Draper and family on the passing of Gloria's mother Valerie Good.


Please see information at:





Passing of Rosa Cook

07/25/2016 09:49:17 AM



Congregation Habonim
Passing of Rosa Cook
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Congregation Habonim sends its condolences to the family of Habonim member Rosa Cook. 


Please see information in link below.




Elie Wiesel

07/21/2016 01:18:25 PM



As you are no doubt aware, Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, Nobel Prize winner and conscience of the world, passed away earlier this month.

Elie Wiesel attended the first March of the Living in 1988, then again in 1990, and several times after that.  Below is the link to the personal reflections - "He Forever Touched My Life" - of Habonim member Eynat Katz from her first encounter with Elie Wiesel as a teenager on the 1988 March of the Living.

Also below is the link to my own story - "The Day Words Failed Elie Wiesel" -  from my first experience with Elie Wiesel on the 1990 March of the Living which appears in this week's Canadian Jewish News.

Elie Wiesel’s eloquent words taught millions of people around the world about the history and lessons of the Shoah. 

May his remarkable legacy live on long into the future.

Eli Rubenstein


He Forever Touched My Life


The Day Words Failed Elie Wiesel



Sun, March 16 2025 16 Adar 5785