A Campaign Update
08/30/2016 10:26:29 AM
Our Future is Now…
This past year saw the launch of the campaign that will enable us to build a beautiful, understated new synagogue.
Tremendous energy and thought went into selecting the right design and architect to continue and build on the special character of Habonim - joy, warmth, inclusiveness and learning from Jewish history. It quickly became clear there was no better choice than one of our own members, Guela Solow Ruda, to best understand and incorporate that spirit into the design.
Guela’s preliminary drawings created immediate momentum for the campaign. Features that include a beautiful enclosed courtyard behind the bimah, modern facilities for our school, a unique memorial to Holocaust survivors, and a special tribute to the roots of Habonim, all led to the understanding that we are about to create something very special.
A campaign goal of $9.5 million was set based on anticipated costs and contingencies and with the hope that the vast majority of members would grasp the moment and seize the opportunity to be part of creating a new home for our current members and generations to come.
And so the canvassing began… Judy & Larry Tanenbaum, Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin & Ira Gluskin, Naomi Azrieli & Francois Blanc, and Denyse and Don Green all stepped forward with remarkable leadership gifts to help create momentum for success. Our congregation is truly blessed to have attracted community leaders who appreciate Habonim’s values and vision.
A series of parlour meetings were hosted by lead donors where small groups of members were invited to hear first-hand of plans for our future. Once again, the reaction was superb and resulted in 60 pledges that now total $6.5 million, a remarkable accomplishment in a very short period of time.
All this is to bring you up to speed on the campaign, to thank those who have already stepped forward with a gift, and to ask for the support of those who have not yet made a commitment as we raise the remaining $3 million needed to make this campaign an overwhelming success.
Participation is key - not only to our fundraising but to our collective sense of ownership. If every one of our families gives appropriate to their means, we will have a new Shul with little or no debt – that is our goal.
Our campaign team includes Eli, Aviva, me, Stephen Cole, Neil Harris, David Gotfrid and Debra Kwinter. Eli and Aviva have brought a very genuine enthusiasm and joy to the effort. We all feel the opportunity is very special and there is real delight and appreciation with each gift.
Because our canvassers are few in number, you can be tremendously helpful by initiating the discussion and reaching out to me or to any member of our campaign team with whom you feel comfortable speaking. We would like to share with you the design and answer any questions you and your family might have. Any of the following would be more than happy to have the conversation with you:
Eli Rubenstein 416-605-0850 elir@bell.net
Aviva Rajsky 416-258-7699 avivar@rogers.com
Ted Rechtshaffen 416-807-6222 tedr@tridelta.ca
Neil Harris 416-597-4117 nharris@goodmans.ca
Stephen Cole 416-364-9701 stephen.cole@duffandphelps.cm
David Gotfrid 416-822-0711 dpgotfrid@gmail.com
Debra Kwinter 416-471-4666 debra.kwinter@rogers.com
It is important to receive pledges from as many members as possible by the end of the High Holidays, so that building plans can be finalized based on commitments made. We want to commence demolition and site work as soon as possible after High Holidays 2016.
We are very close to embarking on a new chapter in the history of Habonim. Please respond generously, remembering that pledges can be paid over a 5-year period and are fully tax deductible.
We look forward to your generous support.
With appreciation,
Ted Rechtshaffen
President, Habonim