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Tonight Kabbalat Shabbat with WordSwap

11/22/2019 10:59:20 AM


Join us tonight for Kabbalat Shabbat

with  Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

accompanied by Tom Bellman and Jim Gelcer

Passing of Ide Haber

11/20/2019 07:58:49 PM


It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the recent passing of Habonim member: 


Ide Haber


Please see more information here:


We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Moving CJN article by Avrum Rosensweig on the new Habonim

11/19/2019 05:36:52 PM


Please see link to a very moving CJN article by Avrum Rosensweig on the new Habonim, rising from the ashes of the Holocaust.

This week at Habonim BOOK TALKS & KABBALAT SHABBAT with WordSwap

11/17/2019 03:26:50 PM



Book Talks with Max Eisen

November 19, 2019 | 7:30 PM

Congregation Habonim of Toronto 
5 Glen Park Ave. Toronto, ON 

Register Here 

Please join us as we hear from renowned author, public speaker and Holocaust educator, Max Eisen. Max will share his amazing story and key moments from his book, By Chance Alone: A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz.

Light refreshments will be served
Kashruth observed
Couvert: $36 per person

Dr. Max Eisen, LL.D. (Hon.) – Czechoslovakia - Survivor of Auschwitz 

More than 70 years after liberation, Max Eisen details his amazing story in By Chance Alone. From back-breaking slave labour in Auschwitz, to the infamous death march, to the painful process of physical and psychological healing, Eisen takes his reader on an unforgettable journey.

Max Eisen's book By Chance Alone will be available for purchase. Published by Harper Collins.

For more information, please contact Brenda Cooper or call 416.635.2883 x 513

Women's Philanthropy Chair: Leslie Richmond
Women's Philanthropy Vice-Chair: Melissa Muskat
Book Talks Chairs: Leslie Flatt, Bonny Reichert & Faith Sherman


               Friday November 22 @ 8:15 pm

                Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat

                  with Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

         accompanied by Tom Bellman and Jim Gelcer

                     as they are joined by WordSwap



11/07/2019 10:35:54 AM




Book Talks with Max Eisen

November 19, 2019 | 7:30 PM

Congregation Habonim of Toronto 
5 Glen Park Ave. Toronto, ON 

Register Here 

Please join us as we hear from renowned author, public speaker and Holocaust educator, Max Eisen. Max will share his amazing story and key moments from his book, By Chance Alone: A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz.

Light refreshments will be served
Kashruth observed
Couvert: $36 per person

Kindly RSVP by Friday November 15, 2019
Limited space available

Dr. Max Eisen, LL.D. (Hon.) – Czechoslovakia - Survivor of Auschwitz 

More than 70 years after liberation, Max Eisen details his amazing story in By Chance Alone. From back-breaking slave labour in Auschwitz, to the infamous death march, to the painful process of physical and psychological healing, Eisen takes his reader on an unforgettable journey.

Max Eisen's book By Chance Alone will be available for purchase. Published by Harper Collins.

For more information, please contact Brenda Cooper or call 416.635.2883 x 513

Women's Philanthropy Chair: Leslie Richmond
Women's Philanthropy Vice-Chair: Melissa Muskat
Book Talks Chairs: Leslie Flatt, Bonny Reichert & Faith Sherman


Our Children's High holiday service was a great success.  

Check out a video clip of Josh Engel, Mark Feldman & Shaina Silver-Baird  performing their 80's High Holiday medley.

Click HERE to view.

Upcoming Services and Events

11/01/2019 03:40:52 PM



Join Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

with Tom Bellman accompanying for

Kabbalat Shabbat

 at 8:15 pm

Kiddush Following Services

*Next Kabbalat Shabbat Nov. 22 & Dec 13



Book Talks with Max Eisen

November 19, 2019 | 7:30 PM

Congregation Habonim of Toronto 
5 Glen Park Ave. Toronto, ON 

Register Here 

Please join us as we hear from renowned author, public speaker and Holocaust educator, Max Eisen. Max will share his amazing story and key moments from his book, By Chance Alone: A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz.

Light refreshments will be served
Kashruth observed
Couvert: $36 per person

Kindly RSVP by Friday November 15, 2019
Limited space available

Dr. Max Eisen, LL.D. (Hon.) – Czechoslovakia - Survivor of Auschwitz 

More than 70 years after liberation, Max Eisen details his amazing story in By Chance Alone. From back-breaking slave labour in Auschwitz, to the infamous death march, to the painful process of physical and psychological healing, Eisen takes his reader on an unforgettable journey.

Max Eisen's book By Chance Alone will be available for purchase. Published by Harper Collins.

For more information, please contact Brenda Cooper or call 416.635.2883 x 513

Women's Philanthropy Chair: Leslie Richmond
Women's Philanthropy Vice-Chair: Melissa Muskat
Book Talks Chairs: Leslie Flatt, Bonny Reichert & Faith Sherman

Friday Nov 1st Kabbalat Shabbat

10/30/2019 10:21:54 AM


Join Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

with Tom Bellman accompanying for

Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday November 1st, at 8:15 pm

Kiddush Following Services



Passing of Ben Hamilton

10/24/2019 11:35:21 AM


It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the recent passing of: 


Ben Hamilton

Father and father-in-law of Habonim members:

Susy and Brian Goldstein

Please see more information here:

We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Reminder- Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret & Simcha Torah

10/18/2019 02:15:40 PM



The Jewish Heritage School at Congregation Habonim invites you to join them on Sunday, October 20th for their Pizza in the Hut Sukkot family celebration. There will be songs with Josh Skye Engel; activities including making edible sukkot and apple printing; and of course, pizza in the sukkah  

We are also very fortunate to have Rivka Campbell joining us as a special guest speaker. Rivka, a Jewish woman of Jamaican descent, seeks to build community among Jews of Colour (a pan-ethnic term for Jewish people whose family origins are from African, Asian, or Latin American countries) while opening dialogue about cultural and ethnic diversity. She has spoken at many synagogues as well as at Western University, Bialik, and the JCC, just to name a few. It is sure to be great for all ages!




Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret/Yizkor Service

Monday October 21, 10:00 am

Congregation Habonim

5 Glen Park Avenue




Join us for Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret & Simcha Torah

10/13/2019 09:15:50 AM



The Jewish Heritage School at Congregation Habonim invites you to join them on Sunday, October 20th for their Pizza in the Hut Sukkot family celebration. There will be songs with Josh Skye Engel; activities including making edible sukkot and apple printing; and of course, pizza in the sukkah  

We are also very fortunate to have Rivka Campbell joining us as a special guest speaker. Rivka, a Jewish woman of Jamaican descent, seeks to build community among Jews of Colour (a pan-ethnic term for Jewish people whose family origins are from African, Asian, or Latin American countries) while opening dialogue about cultural and ethnic diversity. She has spoken at many synagogues as well as at Western University, Bialik, and the JCC, just to name a few. It is sure to be great for all ages!




Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret/Yizkor Service

Monday October 21, 10:00 am

Congregation Habonim

5 Glen Park Avenue




Tickets for services

09/29/2019 01:31:19 PM




Shana Tova!

Reminder- Please be sure to  bring your tickets with you to every service. Wishing you and yours a Chag Sameach.


Congregation Habonim 


Habonim Bulletin now available with link corrected

09/20/2019 05:11:20 PM




High Holiday Habonim Bulletin 

is now available!

To view click here




Habonim Bulletin now available

09/20/2019 04:49:52 PM




High Holiday Habonim Bulletin 

is now available!

To view click here




Request for Assistance: High Holiday Honours

09/05/2019 06:52:19 PM




High Holidays are just around the corner and we are now making arrangements for members to help with the services. The type of help we require includes English readings, lifting the Torah, opening the Ark, and in some cases reading Hebrew for an Aliyah. To help services run smoothly, please offer your help in one of these areas.

It is a mitzvah to have an honour at services!


If you are able to help out, please click  HERE  to answer these 5 brief questions.

Please reply by Friday September 13th.

Any questions may be directed to

Passing of Harvey Sterling

08/26/2019 12:31:21 PM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the recent passing of : 


Harvey Sterling

Father of Habonim member:

Bonnie Grundman

grandfather to Jamie, David and Michael


Please see more information here:

We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Passing of Rhoda Vyner

08/21/2019 09:08:41 AM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of : 


Rhoda Vyner

Mother and mother-in-law of Habonim members:

Brian and Bunny Vyner


Funeral -  Friday, August 23rd at 12:00 pm

                     Dawes Road Cemetery


Please see more information here:


We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Passing of Sylvia Levy

07/18/2019 09:26:19 AM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of : 


Sylvia Levy

Mother of  Jeff Levy


Funeral -  Friday July 19 at 11:00 AM

Graveside - Pardes Shalom Cemetery  


Please see more information here:



We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Passing of Dr. Mladen Vranic

06/21/2019 11:53:47 AM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of : 


Dr. Mladen Vranic

Father and father-in-law of Habonim members:

Iva Vranic and Michael Salsburg 

Husband of Linda Vranic

Father of Claire and Anne


Funeral -  Monday, June 24th at 11:30 am

Humphrey Funeral Home, 1403 Bayview Avenue


Please see more information here:


We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Reminder tonight @ 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat with Guest Speaker

06/21/2019 11:05:26 AM



Join Eli Rubenstein and Aviva Rajsky

   with Tom Bellman accompanying

Our last Friday night service at our temporary location!


  Friday June 21, at 6:30 pm 

Kabbalat Shabbat

& Potluck dinner 

Featuring Special Guest, Celebrated Jewish Storyteller

Dan Yashinsky 



Leo Baeck Day School

  501 Arlington Ave.

Please register here


Kabbalat Shabbat this Friday @ 6:30 pm with Guest Speaker

06/18/2019 06:42:47 PM



Join Eli Rubenstein and Aviva Rajsky

   with Tom Bellman accompanying

Our last Friday night service at our temporary location!


  Friday June 21, at 6:30 pm 

Kabbalat Shabbat

& Potluck dinner 

Featuring Special Guest, Celebrated Jewish Storyteller

Dan Yashinsky 



Leo Baeck Day School

  501 Arlington Ave.

Please register here


Brightpath at Habonim

06/17/2019 04:53:21 PM


Kabbalat Shabbat Friday June 21 @ 6:30 pm

06/14/2019 10:37:51 AM



Join Eli Rubenstein and Aviva Rajsky

   with Tom Bellman accompanying

  Friday June 21, at 6:30 pm 


 Kabbalat Shabbat

& Potluck dinner 

 Leo Baeck Day School

  501 Arlington Ave.

Please register here


Passing of Joan Kishner- correction

06/13/2019 11:12:20 AM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of : 


Joan Kishner

Wife of Habonim member:

Gerald Kishner


Funeral -  Today at 1 pm

Steeles Memorial Chapel


Please see more information here:


We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Passing of Joan Kishner

06/13/2019 10:34:51 AM



It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of : 


Joan Kishner


Husband of Habonim member:

Gerald Kishner


Funeral -  Today at 1 pm

Steeles Memorial Chapel


Please see more information here:


We wish the entire family comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

If you wish to send a Habonim Tribute Card to the family to express your condolences, you can do so on our website at
or by calling the office at 416-782-7125.


Reminder - AGM Tonight @ 7:30 pm

06/11/2019 03:20:06 PM







Reminder-Sunday June 9 Shavuot Yizkor service

06/07/2019 05:10:18 PM





Join Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

with Josh Engel accompanying for 


Shavuot Yizkor Service


We will be hearing from survivors and participants who joined the 2019 March of the Living to Poland and Israel

Special dairy kiddush will be served

Leo Baeck Day School, 501 Arlington Avenue




Habonim Bulletin

06/06/2019 08:41:18 PM




June Habonim Bulletin 

is now available!

To view click here




Sunday June 9 Shavuot Yizkor service

06/05/2019 11:56:27 AM







Join Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

with Josh Engel accompanying for 


Shavuot Yizkor Service


We will be hearing from survivors and participants who joined the 2019 March of the Living to Poland and Israel

Special dairy kiddush will be served

Leo Baeck Day School, 501 Arlington Avenue




Tonight Kabbalat Shabbat /June 9 Shavuot & Yizkor service

05/31/2019 01:43:44 PM




Join Eli Rubenstein & Aviva Rajsky

with Tom Bellman accompanying for 

Shavuot Yizkor Service

We will be hearing from several Habonim students and adults who joined the 2019 March of the Living to Poland and Israel


Special dairy kiddush 

Leo Baeck Day School, 501 Arlington Avenue




Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785