Avrum's Shiur
Shalom! Good day.
Please join me tonight for our CHAVRUTA SHIUR on Parshat (Portion) Toledoth.
The shiur is at 7 pm. It is dedicated to the memory of those Israeli soldiers who have died
in battle, and to their brave and courageous families. We learn on behalf of the
hostages still held in Gaza, and pray for their immediate release.
The parsha we'll learn tonight is Toledoth. It is about the birth, and the growth of
Jacob and Esav, the children of Yitzchak and Rebecca. Throughout the Parsha we
learn about how the brothers got along, and struggled with one another in particular
having to do with the birthright, which Esav (the eldest) gave up for a pot of lentils.
Similarly, the parsha teaches us about Jacob coming before his father, Yitzchak, who
was visually impaired, and receiving a blessing in place of Esav.
One has to wonder about the deceit and heavy-handedness of the biblical characters
within this parsha. Was it okay for Jacob to entice the very hungry Esav to give up his
birthright, and how is it possible to do so? Isn't a birthright a God given honor that
someone has predicated on their place within the family? Is it something you can
trade? Similarly, what are we to learn from the story of Jacob standing before his
father, dressed up like his ruddy brother Esav, to receive the blessing as the eldest.
In short, Jacob secured the birthright by taking advantage of his brother who was
starving. And remember - this theatrics was arranged by his mother, Rebecca.
Then Jacob received the blessing as the eldest, from this blind father, by fooling him.
None of this seems lofty or holy, yet we're speaking about the matriarchs and
patriarchs of our people. Don't you expect honesty and authenticity from the founders
of the Jewish people?
Please attend our unmuted shiur (class) this evening, to discuss these and other
issues. Everyone has a voice at our Chavruta Shiur, and all thoughts and ideas are
embraced. Once again, the shiur is at 7 pm and can be accessed through the zoom
link below. I look forward to seeing you and learning together.
Am Yisrael Chai! Proud to be a Jew!