Shalom! Good day.
I hope you and your loved ones are well. You are invited to our Chavruta Shiur,
PARSHAT SHOFTIM, this evening at 7 pm (see zoom link below). 'Chavruta'
comes from the word 'chaver', or friend. A learning chavruta, is an intellectual
soulmate. That is what our shiur is all about, the bringing together of our minds,
our thoughts, to establish a collective understanding of the portion of the week.
It's a very compelling process of learning Torah.
This shiur is brought to you by PARSHA & PROSE, a podcast with Rabbi Shlomo
Gemara and me, teaching the parsha through the lense of classic literature, this
week: 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. Please subscribe and share. Thank you.
The shiur (class) shiur is in memory of the IDF soldiers we have lost since October
7th, and their parents and family who stand bravely in defence of the Jewish people.
We wish those currently in Gaza, strength and express our great appreciation for
their courageous stance on behalf of Jews throughout the world.
We, in the shiur, remember our six Jewish brothers and sisters murdered by Hamas,
rest in peace. Hersh Goldberg-Polin Z"L, Eden Yerushalmi Z'L , Carmel Gat Z'L ,
Almog Sarusi Z"L, Alexander Lobanov
Z"L and Ori Danino Z"L . Tonight we will learn for their souls to rise up in heaven.
This is a fascinating parsha. Much of it deals with the type of leadership the Jewish
people in Israel will have. The parsha prescribes three different forms of leadership.
They are:
1. The Kings
2. The Priests
3. The Prophets
The King is responsible for the civil component of the nations, however he must
constantly be with a Sefer Torah, learning it, and knowing full well the word of God.
The Priests were from Aaron, i.e. not appointed. They existed outside of history, i.e..
the laws they were to abide by having to do with service in the temple, sacrifices etc.,
were forever and always.
And then there were the Prophets. Fascinating!
According to Rabbi Sacks z"l, "the priest spoke of separation and order, purity and
impurity, the holy and the profane… while.” the Prophets spoke of relationships,
justice and righteousness, compassion and mercy." God put His words in their
mouth sand they were to encourage the nation to adhere to them.
The job was a serious one.
1. Can you see how this leadership structure reflected an early example of the
separation between 'church and state'?
2. What's your take on prophets? We don't have them today, or do we? What in
your mind is a prophet? How did they fit into the leadership structure?
It seems from this parsha and the Torah in general, that leadership is only holy if it
is made to be. If a king rules in a selfish manner, he is a bad king. Similarly, we know
that many of the priesthood during the second temple were corrupt. We also know
of 'false prophets' throughout history. Finally, it seems clear leaders are not meant to
be served, but indeed, to serve.
Please join us tonight at 7 pm. Nobody is muted which gives everyone a chance to
express their thoughts and feelings about the issues we deal with. If you'd like to
be removed from this list, please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you,
In peace, With Love