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Potluck/ Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, December 9, 2016 9 Kislev 5777

6:15 PM - 8:15 PM



                      Pot Luck & Kabbalat Shabbat

             Friday, December 9th 2016 at 6:15 pm


                                   Aviva Rajsky

                  accompanied by Tom Bellman

                 with a tribute to Leonard Cohen

                   Guest Sermon Rabbi Bill Tepper

                      Followed by Oneg Shabbat


                       Please register below. In the notes please tell us:

                   1.  Who will be attending. (Please include all names in your                         party)                                   

                   2.  What you are bringing for Pot luck.  

                         Dairy or parve only please                        


  Potluck update:  We have already 

6 Challahs 

6  Salads

2  Soups 

8 Side dishes 

8 Mains 

8 Desserts




Sorry, Registration has ended.

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